TestPro - Software Automation Testing with AI

(100% Job Assured Program with Offer Letter on Day 1)

Eligibility: BE | BTech | MCA | MCS | MCM | MSc | BCA | BCS | BSc etc
Passout Year 2022/23/24/25
Aggregate 55% in 10th, 12th, Degree, PG
Pre-requisite: Basic Knowledge of C Programming.
Duration: 6 months
  • Introduction to OS & Networking
  • Overview of Operating System
  • Concept of Process and Thread
  • Memory Management
  • Network Basics
  • Classification of Networks
  • Network Topologies
  • Network Communication and Protocols
  • TCP/IP fundamentals
  • Database Fundamentals & SQL
  • Introduction to Database
  • Normalization
  • Introduction to SQL statement
  • Built-in functions
  • Summarizing results using group functions
  • Joins
  • Retrieving Data by using Sub-queries
  • SET operators
  • Manipulating data and transaction
  • Managing other schema objects
  • Managing objects with Data Dictionary Views
  • Manipulating large DataSet
  • Managing Data in Different Time Zones
  • Introduction to PL/SQL
  • Programming in C
  • Introduction to Programming
  • Data Types, Operators
  • Compilation, Linking, Execution, Debugging
  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Console Input and Output
  • Control Structures
  • Functions
  • Pointers
  • Storage classes, Dynamic Memory allocation
  • Arrays, Strings
  • File IO
  • Structures and Unions
  • Command Line arguments
  • Macros
  • HTML 5
  • HTML Basics: Structure, Elements and Attributes
  • Various Input fields in html
  • Tables, Frames, Lists, Layouts
  • Fonts, Colors
  • Images
  • HTML Forms
  • CSS 3
  • Styling with CSS
  • Selectors and style definitions
  • Properties of CSS
  • Linking HTML & CSS
  • Limitations of normal selectors
  • Types of selectors
  • CSS Properties
  • CSS pseudo elements
  • CSS Animation
  • Introduction to Software Applications
  • What is Software Application
  • Types of Software Applications
  • Components of Software
  • One Tier Architecture / Two Tier Architecture / Three Tier Architecture / Multi Tier Architecture
  • Application Domains
  • Application Models
  • Software Development Life Cycle
  • Phases of SDLC in detail
  • Project Team Organization Structure
  • Test Team Roles & Responsibilities
  • Various Application Issues
  • Waterfall Model
  • Iterative Model
  • Spiral Model
  • Agile Model
  • Introduction to Software Testing
  • What is Software Testing ?
  • 'V' model in detail
  • Verification Techniques
  • Reviews
  • Inspections
  • Walkthrough
  • Validation
  • Levels of Testing
  • Software Testing Life Cycle
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Test Planning
  • Test Design
  • Test Execution
  • Test Closure
  • Economics of Testing
  • Testing Methodologies
  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing
  • Test Design
  • Test Scenarios
  • Test Cases
  • Requirement Traceability Matrix
  • Test Case Management Tool
  • Test Data
  • Test Data Creation Techniques
  • Negative Testing
  • Best Practices of Test Design
  • Test Execution
  • Test Environment Setup
  • Running Test Cases
  • Logging Defects
  • Retesting and Regression
  • Challenges in Test Execution
  • Test Closure Report
  • Defect Management
  • What is a Defect?
  • Defect Reporting
  • Defect Severity & Levels
  • Defect Priority & Levels
  • Defect Life Cycle
  • Defect Tracking Tools
  • Defect Prevention
  • Types Of Non Functional Tests
    • Quality
    • Software Quality Factors
    • Quality Management Systems (QMS)
    • Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Control (QC)
    • Testing Metrics
  • Skills for a Professional Tester
  • Introduction of JIRA
  • What is Jira?
  • Uses of Jira
  • Jira Key Terms
  • Features of JIRA:
  • JIRA Scheme
  • JIRA Projects
  • JIRA Issues
  • Getting started with JIRA
  • How to install JIRA
  • Creating Projects
  • Adding Users in JIRA
  • Managing JIRA dashboard, Gadgets
  • Changing user preferences, profile information
  • Switching views
  • Configuring Columns in JIRA
  • Defect Management In JIRA
  • Important points of the dashboard
  • Types of Projects
  • Types of defects
  • Types of boards
  • JIRA Search
  • Types of searching options
  • Basic search
  • How to save search
  • Quick search
  • Using field reference
  • Using keyword reference
  • Defect Management In JIRA
  • Defect template in JIRA
  • Logging defects in JIRA
  • Defect lifecycle in JIRA
  • Searching defects, doing bulk changes
  • Creating favourite search filters
  • Advanced Search Using JQL
  • Advanced Search in JIRA
  • Introduction to JQL
  • Advanced Search using JQL
  • Subscriptions in JIRA
  • Generating Reports In JIRA
  • How to Access Reports
  • Type of Reports
  • Agile
  • Issue Analysis
  • Forecast & Management
  • Others
  • JIRA - Burndown Chart
  • Sprint Chart
  • Velocity Chart
  • Epic Report
  • Version Report
  • Release Burn Down
  • Issue Analysis
  • JIRA Test Process
  • How to write Test Cases in JIRA
  • Cloning Test Cases in JIRA
  • Exporting Test Cases in JIRA
  • Sharing issues and search queries with Team Members
  • Creating Test Cycles in JIRA
  • Executing Test Cases in JIRA
  • Introduction to .Net Framework
  • .Net Architecture :
  • What is Assembly? :
  • Introduction to Visual Studio
  • Language Basics
  • OOPs
  • Why OOPS ?
  • Features Of OOPS
  • Class, Object
  • Characteristics of Objects
  • Writing Classes, defining Data
  • Members, constructors
  • Methods, properties, Indexers
  • OOPs Major Pillars
  • Encapsulation, Abstraction,
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism
  • Access Modifiers
  • public, Private, Protected,
  • internal, protected internal
  • Inheritance
  • Single, Multilevel, Hierarchical, Hybrid, Multiple
  • Polymorphism - Compile time, Runtime
  • Shadowing (Hiding)
  • Abstract Class
  • Interface: Implicit and Explicit
  • Implementation
  • Exception Handling
  • Win Forms
  • Collections
  • File IO
  • Reflection And Attributes
  • Events and Delegates
  • Multi-Threading
  • Nunit Framework
  • Invoke Chrome Browser
  • WebDriver basic method
  • Selenium Locators and Nunit Assertions
  • Functional valdiations
  • Advanced CSS Location strategies
  • Implicit & explicit waits
  • Handling Dropdowns, Checkboxes & Radio buttons
  • Webtable Columns with Selenium WebDriver
  • Handling Alerts
  • Advanced UI Interactions (Actions)
  • Frames with Selenium
  • JavaScript executor
  • Nunit testing Framework
  • Creating Base class
  • global Configuration file
  • Page object and Factor model
  • Data driven testing using Nunit
  • Driving the data from the Json
  • Parameterizing the Test data
  • Running Tests in parallel
  • Introduction to Code management tools (Git hub) / Jenkins
  • Execute selenium scripts on Cloud. (ex -Browser stack)
  • Introduction to Java
  • Working with Java
  • Basics of Java
  • OOP's Features
  • Inner Class
  • Reflection
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Exception Handling
  • Multithreading in Java
  • I/O Programming & File Handling
  • GUI Programming
  • Collection Framework
  • Introduction - WebDriver
  • Why WebDriver
  • End to End Automation Process
  • Integration - Eclipse + WebDriver
  • Browser Handling for IE, Chrome, Firefox, HTMLUnit
  • Object Identification for different web elements using
  • ID, Name, Class, LinkText, Tagname, XPath
  • Customize Object repository
  • Checkpoint- Data, Image
  • Synchronization - Implicit, Explicit
  • Performance - Page load time, Internal page navigation
  • Mouse / Keyboard events handling
  • Handling of Alerts and Pop Ups
  • Handle Window handles
  • TestNG
  • What is TestNG
  • Installing TestNG
  • TestNG Annotations
  • Running a test using TestNG
  • TestNG Report
  • Skipping & Prioritizing Tests
  • Parameterizing tests
  • Frameworks
  • Data driven Framework
  • Page Object Model
  • Python Installation & working
  • Data Types
  • Python Program Control Structures
  • Programming using String, List, Set, Tuple & Dictionary
  • Functions, Modules & Packages
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Concept of class, object & instances
  • Constructor, class attributes & destructors
  • Inheritance, Overriding & Overloading operators
  • Polymorphism
  • Read & Write to Files in Python
  • Read text file content
  • Writing Data into File
  • Exception Handling
  • How to raise exception in Python?
  • Try Catch Mechanism using Python
  • Usage of Finally Keyword with exceptions
  • Locators in WebDriver API
  • Inspecting HTML
  • CSS Selector and name locators
  • Xpath and Css Using Chropath Plugin
  • Techniques to automate Web elements
  • Handling Static dropdowns
  • Handling Dynamic dropdowns
  • Get Attribute of values
  • Handling CheckBox dynamically
  • radiobutton Automation methods
  • Handling Java / JavaScript Alert popups
  • Synchronization (Explicit & Implicit Waits)
  • What are waits?
  • Developing End to End Testcase
  • Selenium Python Miscellaneous
  • What is JavaScript executor?
  • JS Executor methods for various Web operations
  • Pytest - Unit Testing Framework of Python
  • What is Pytest and its advantages
  • Running Pytests from Terminal
  • Run selected Pytests
  • Grouping tests with pytest
  • What are fixtures
  • Data driven Fixtures
  • Parameterizing test with multiple data sets
  • Generating HTML reports for Pytest Testcases
  • HTML Reports in Python Framework
  • Introduction to Logging
  • Filehandler in Logging tests
  • Read/Write data from Excel to Selenium Python Framework
  • Excel Data driven testing using Pyxl
  • Read and write the data from Excel into Python tests
  • Linux Fundamentals
  • Overview of Linux
  • Linux Architecture
  • Linux Distributions
  • Basic Linux Commands
  • File Permission Management
  • User Creation
  • Shell Scripts
  • SSH and VI Utility
  • DevOps Fundamental
  • Evolution of Waterfall, Agile and DevOps
  • What is DevOps
  • Why DevOps
  • Benefits of DevOps
  • DevOps Stages
  • DevOps Lifecycle
  • Various Automation in DevOps
  • Overview of CICD
  • AWS Cloud
  • Understanding of Physical and Virtual Servers
  • Overview of Public/Private Cloud Computing
  • Overview of AWS/Azure/GCP
  • Benefits of Cloud Computing
  • Overview of AWS DevOps and Azure DevOps
  • Code Build
  • Code Commit
  • Code Deploy
  • Code Pipeline
  • Overview of Cloud Formation
  • Managing Source Code – Git and GitHub
  • Overview of Version Control System
  • Central vs Distributed Version Control System
  • Introduction to Git
  • Installation and setting up Git
  • Important Git Commands
  • Creating and Managing git Repositories
  • Git File Workflow
  • GIT Misc Commands
  • Reverting and Resetting
  • GIT Branching Strategies
  • Working with GIT Branching
  • Branching, Merging
  • Rebase and Squash
  • GIT Stash
  • Introduction to GitHub
  • Managing Remote Repositories
  • Handling Github repositories using Visual Studio Code
  • Understanding and Using Build Tools
  • Overview of Various Build Tools
  • What is Maven
  • Maven Architecture
  • Maven Plugins
  • Maven Archetypes
  • Maven Commands
  • Integration of Jacoco plugin for Code Coverage
  • Overview of Maven Applications
  • Continuous Integration Using Jenkins
  • Overview of Continuous Integration
  • Difference between Continuous vs Traditional Integration
  • Overview of Jenkins
  • Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture
  • Jenkins Installation and Configuration
  • Jenkins Plugins
  • Jenkins Management
  • Jenkins Freestyle and Pipeline Jobs
  • Scripted and Declarative Pipelines
  • Configuring Slave Node to Jenkins
  • Configure Tomcat Server
  • Integrate and Deploy to Tomcat Server using Jenkins
  • Jenkins Build Triggers
  • Enable Email Notifications
  • Mobile Application Testing Strategy
  • Selection of devices
  • Simulators
  • Emulators
  • Cloud Emulators
  • Remote Data Access
  • Mobile Testing Techniques
  • Exploratory testing
  • Service/API Testing
  • Device Access
  • Security Testing
  • Back-end Testing Internationalization and Localization Testing
  • Test Automation
  • Network Testing
  • Test Cases for Testing a Mobile App
  • Mobile Test Automation using Appium
  • Introduction to Appium
  • What is testing
  • About Web Automation, UI automation, and mobile automation
  • What is Appium and its Features
  • Native, hybrid and web apps
  • Appium Internal Architecture
  • Appium SetUp & Installation:
  • Prerequisite
  • Tool installation
  • How Appium Works
  • Appium Internal Architecture (explaining again)
  • APK File
  • RealDevice vs Simulator vs Emulator Testing
  • Creating Virtual Device
  • How to inspect elements in Appium
  • Ui Automator
  • First Code in Appium
  • Android App download for practice
  • how to find AppActivity and AppPackage
  • Creating First Code(java project)
  • What is Desired Capabilities? How to talk to appium server
  • Invoking Android Driver-Creating base program
  • Touch Actions & Advanced Gestures
  • Auto-complete text box
  • Implicit wait
  • Actions
  • Press Key
  • Long Press Events
  • Views/drag and drop
  • Touch Action Class
  • Views/drag and drop
  • Take screenshots
  • File Utilities
  • Handling Alerts
  • Alert dialog
  • Repeat alarm
  • Text Entry Dialog
  • Handling Switches
  • Views/Switches
  • Web Automation
  • Web Application Testing
  • Launching browser with Appium
  • Making sure you have the correct desired capabilities
  • When launch fails
  • Firing various commands on browser
  • Will UI Automator work here?
  • How do I identify objects in mobile browser?
  • Will Appium Driver commands work on browser?
  • Finding and setting user agent
  • Appium on IOS
  • Installation of Brew
  • Npm commands
  • Node Installation
  • Xcode installation
  • External Dependencies
  • Configure Idevice Installer
  • WebDriverAgent Configuration
  • Download Appium dmg
  • Configure Appium in system
  • Download and configure Appium XcuiTest Drivers
  • Installation of web Driver Commands
  • Running Xcode Project
  • Configuration of signing authority in Xcode
  • Get Udid of real device
  • Run xcode project in real device
  • Test whether Xcode project and web driver is properly configured or not
  • Test whether Xcode project and web driver are properly con figured or not
  • Start Appium
  • Set desired capabilities
  • Start Appium on IOS
  • Configure Xcode params
  • Check all Simulators Present
  • Get Details of Simulators, their identifier id and their full names
  • Running all apps via Xcode
  • Design Pattern
  • Different Types of design patterns Overview
  • Page Object Modal
  • Build Integration
  • What is Maven?
  • Why we go for Maven
  • Setup Maven
  • Running scripts from Maven
  • Converting scripts from Testng to Maven
  • Explanation of POM.xml and customization
  • Generating Test Scenarios with AI
  • AI-Assisted Test Case Generation
  • AI-Driven Improving Test Effectiveness
  • Intelligent Test Data Generation
  • Technical Assignments
  • Technical Test
  • Technical Mock Interview
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