Android Programming Course
Duration: 60 Hrs.
Pre-requisite: Strong knowledge of Core Java
- Introduction To Android
- What is MAD?
- What is Android?
- Android Features
- Android Architecture
- Installation & Setting
- ADT tool
- SDK overviewv
- Android Virtual Device
- Debugger
- Documentation
- Sample Code
- Understanding Android Application
- Creating First Project
- Directory Structure
- Application Flow
- Introduction to Android Component
- Develop Android UI with Activity
- Activity
- views, layout
- Activity lifecycle
- Develop UI using code & XML
- Android Intent & Broadcast Receivers
- Implicit Intent
- Explicit Intent
- Creating Broadcast Receiver
- Android Advance UI
- GridView, ListView
- Spinner
- Menus etc.
- Notification
- What is Notification?
- Notification Types
- ContentProviders
- Concept of Data Storage
- SQLite Database
- Working with ContentProviders
- Service in Android
- What is Service?
- Service lifecycle
- Develop a Service in android
- Location based Services in Android
- Using Location based services
- Finding current location
- Calculate longitude & latitude
- Multimedia in Android
- MediaPlayer class
- Develop simple media playback
- Sensor Application
- Concept of Sensor
- Types of Sensor
- Sensor API
- Android Device
- Camera
- Bluetooth
- WiFi