xPro - Full Stack Development with AI

(100% Job Assured Program with Offer Letter on Day 1)

Eligibility: BE | BTech | MCA | MCS | MCM | MSc | BCA | BCS | BSc etc
Passout Year 2022/23/24/25
Aggregate 55% in 10th, 12th, Degree, PG
Duration: 6 Months Full Time
  • Introduction to OS & Networking
  • Overview of Operating System
  • Concept of Process and Thread
  • Memory Management
  • Network Basics
  • Classification of Networks
  • Network Topologies
  • Network Communication and Protocols
  • TCP/IP fundamentals
  • Database Fundamentals & SQL
  • Introduction to Database
  • Normalization
  • Introduction to SQL statement
  • Built-in functions
  • Summarizing results using group functions
  • Joins
  • Retrieving Data by using Sub-queries
  • SET operators
  • Manipulating data and transaction
  • Managing other schema objects
  • Managing objects with Data Dictionary Views
  • Manipulating large DataSet
  • Managing Data in Different Time Zones
  • Introduction to PL/SQL
  • C Programming
  • Introduction to Programming
  • Data Types, Operators
  • Compilation, Linking, Execution, Debugging
  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Console Input and Output
  • Control Structures
  • Functions
  • Pointers
  • Storage classes, Dynamic Memory allocation
  • Arrays, Strings
  • File IO
  • Structures and Unions
  • Command Line arguments
  • Macros
  • OOPs Concepts
  • What is OOP's
  • Why we need OOP's
  • What is Object?
  • Object Characteristics
  • Concept of Classes & Object Creation
  • HTML 5
  • HTML Basics: Structure, Elements and Attributes
  • Various Input fields in html
  • Tables, Frames, Lists, Layouts
  • Fonts, Colors
  • Images
  • HTML Forms
  • CSS 3
  • Styling with CSS
  • Selectors and style definitions
  • Properties of CSS
  • Linking HTML & CSS
  • Limitations of normal selectors
  • Types of selectors
  • CSS Properties
  • CSS pseudo elements
  • CSS Animation
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Bootstrap Components
  • What is Bootstrap Components
  • Glyphicons Component
  • Dropdown Menu Component
  • Button Groups and Button Toolbar
  • Navigation Pills & Tabs Components
  • Navbar Component & Responsive Navbar
  • Forms
  • Pagination Component
  • Labels / Badge Components
  • Jumbotron
  • Alerts & Dismissible Alerts
  • Progress Bar
  • Media Objects Component
  • List Group Component
  • Panel Component
  • Java Script Language basics
  • Variables, Data Types, Functions, Operators
  • Control flow using conditional and Iterative statements
  • Managing HTML DOM and Events
  • OOPs in Java Script
  • Typescript as Programming Language for Angular
  • Trans compilation, Debugging Typescript code
  • Classes & Interfaces
  • Control Structures
  • Functions & types
  • Decorators
  • Rest & Spread Operators
  • What is React?
  • React Features
  • Component Based Architecture
  • Life Cycle of a Components
  • State & Props in React
  • Working with JSX
  • Using bootstrap in React App
  • React Hooks
  • React Forms, Formik
  • Routing in React
  • JSON with React
  • React CRUD operations
  • Testing
  • What is Angular?
  • Introduction to Components
  • Templates, Interpolation, and Directives
  • Data Binding and Pipes
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • Retrieving Data Using HTTP
  • Navigation and Routing Basics
  • Modules
  • Angular Forms
  • Angular Testing
  • Intro to Node.js
  • NodeJS Basics & Global objects
  • Node Modules
  • File System
  • Express Framework
  • RESTful APIs
  • How Node.js connects to databases
  • Connecting to Mongodb databases
  • Performing CRUD operations using Node.js
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Mongo Shell
  • CRUD using Mongo shell
  • Index
  • Aggregation
  • Introduction to Java
  • Working with Java
  • Basics of Java
  • OOP's Features
  • Inner Class
  • Reflection
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Exception Handling
  • Multithreading in Java
  • I/O Programming & File Handling
  • GUI Programming
  • Collection Framework
  • Need of JDBC
  • JDBC Driver & types
  • JDBC architecture
  • JDBC Transaction
  • Advance JDBC
  • What is Stored Procedure?
  • JDBC using Stored Procedure
  • Data Access Object Design Pattern
  • JDBC application using Swing, DAO
  • Overview of HTML, CSS & XML
  • Overview on JEE
  • Servlet Basics
  • Servlet API
  • Session Tracking in Java
  • Session Tracking mechanism
  • ServletFilter API
  • Introduction to JSP
  • JSP Tag
  • Jsp implicit object
  • JSP Specification
  • Concept of MVC
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Limitation with JDBC
  • What is ORM?
  • What is Hibernate?
  • Hibernate Architecture
  • Hibernate Example
  • CRUD Operation Using Hibernate
  • Hibernate with Annotation
  • Hibernate Generator classes
  • Hibernate Mapping
  • Component Mapping
  • Inheritance Mapping
  • Collection Mapping
  • HQL & Criteria
  • Caching in Hibernate
  • Introduction
  • What is Spring?
  • Spring Features
  • Spring Modules
  • Dependency Injection
  • IoC container
  • What is Bean?
  • Spring Core
  • Spring DAO
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring AOP
  • Introduction to Spring Boot
  • Dependency management using POM.xml
  • CommandLineRunner
  • Introduction to ORM with JPA
  • Spring MVC with Spring Boot
  • REST with Spring MVC
  • Spring Boot Security
  • Microservices
  • NET Applications & Tools
  • .Net Standards
  • Core C#
  • OOPs Major Pillars
  • Language Basics
  • Classes, Records, Structs & Tuples
  • Exception Handling
  • Events, Delegates & Lambdas
  • Collections
  • Language Integrated Query
  • File IO and Serialization
  • Reflection, Metadata
  • Dependency Injection
  • Managed and Unmanaged Memory
  • Threading and Tasks and Asynchronous Programming
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Understanding Web Technologies
  • Introduction of ASP.Net Core
  • Understanding ASP .Net Core Project Structure
  • Understanding Static Files
  • Writing Custom Middleware
  • State Management
  • Working with Razor Pages and Rzor Component
  • HTML Helper classes
  • MVC in ASP.Net Core
  • Data Handling in .Net Core using LINQ
  • Data Handling in .Net Core using EF Core
  • Security
  • Call WEB API
  • Globalization & Localization
  • Unit Testing
  • Deployment
  • Introduction & Architecture
  • Methods in API – Postman
  • Working with Data and ODATA
  • CRUD operations in API
  • Routing & Configurating
  • Python Installation & working
  • Data Types
  • Python Program Control Structures
  • Programming using String, List, Set, Tuple & Dictionary
  • Functions, Modules & Packages
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Concept of class, object & instances
  • Constructor, class attributes & destructors
  • Inheritance, Overriding & Overloading operators
  • Polymorphism
  • NumPy
  • Introduction, installation
  • 1D & 2D arrays
  • Array indexing – slicing & advance
  • Operations – Arithmetic, Logical
  • Math, String, Statistical
  • Set, Broadcasting
  • Pandas
  • Introduction, installation
  • Series – Creation, indexing
  • Slicing, attributes & functions
  • Dataframes – Creation
  • Merging dataframes,
  • Concatenate dataframes
  • Binary operations
  • Data input and output
  • Matplotlib
  • Introduction, installation
  • Data Visualization
  • Plots – single line, multiple line
  • Grid axes
  • Labels, color line markers
  • Seaborn
  • Distribution Plots
  • Category Plots
  • Matrix Plots
  • Grids, Regression Plots
  • Introduction to Plotly, Altair, ggPlot
  • What is AI? Applications & Examples
  • AI Concepts, Terminology
  • AI Application areas
  • Future with AI
  • AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning & types
  • Machine Learning Techniques
  • Regression vs Classification
  • Overview of Deep Learning
  • Introduction to Jira
  • Scrum and Sprint concept
  • Structure of scrum team
  • Process flow of scrum and sprint
  • Agile scrum activities in JIRA
  • Overview of Various Build Tools
  • What is Maven, Maven Architecture
  • Maven Plugins
  • Maven Archetypes, Maven Commands
  • Integration of Jacoco plugin for Code Coverage
  • Overview of Maven Applications
  • Overview of Version Control System
  • Introduction to Git
  • Installation and setting up Git
  • Important Git Commands
  • Creating and Managing git Repositories
  • Git File Workflow
  • Reverting and Resetting
  • GIT Branching Strategies
  • Working with GIT Branching
  • Introduction to GitHub
  • Managing Remote Repositories
  • Overview of Continuous Integration
  • Difference between Continuous vs Traditional Integration
  • Overview of Jenkins
  • Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture
  • Jenkins Installation and Configuration
  • Jenkins Plugins
  • Jenkins Management
  • Jenkins Freestyle and Pipeline Jobs
  • Scripted and Declarative Pipelines
  • Jenkins Build Triggers
  • Enable Email Notifications
  • Introduction to Cloud
  • AWS introduction
  • AWS core services
  • Project deployment on cloud
Experts guidance on Resume Building to highlight key achievements
LinkedIn Profile creation & Training
Web Portfolio building to effectively show case projects
