What You Should Know About Java Frameworks

Java frameworks

There are several pre-written Java frameworks that you can extend with your own code through. It is also true that there are many frameworks on the market that have a range of applications. So, in this article, we will be discussing the top 10 Java frameworks that you should master.

Java frameworks are what?

You use frameworks to add your own code to prewritten code in order to solve a problem. The framework can be called on by calling its methods, inheriting, and providing callbacks, listeners, or some other implementation.

An application’s structure is often dictated by its framework. You may not even have to write a lot of code if a framework supplies you with a lot of code. Depending on how easy the system is to use, this can be good or bad. Programming is built on frameworks. Ultimately, you built a great program upon a solid foundation, one that is fast and well-designed. 

Now let’s understand the different frameworks.

Java frameworks

Java Frameworks used by developers

Spring framework

This is one of the most powerful lightweight application development frameworks for Enterprise Java (JEE).

All Java applications can be developed using Spring Framework’s core features. Known as a complete modular framework, it supports a variety of Java programming languages. All layers of a real-time application can be implemented with this framework. In addition, unlike the other frameworks, Spring can be used to develop all layers of a real-time application.

Applications built with Spring, including Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring Security, Spring ORM, etc, are used in enterprise environments.

What are the uses of this Spring framework? Let’s find out.


  • Web application development
  • You can use its features to develop any Java application
  • Additionally, it is used by Enterprise Java (JEE)


  • The application provides a lightweight container that can be invoked without involving a web server or application server
  • With Spring’s support for JDBC, productivity is enhanced and errors are reduced
  • J2EE development is made easier through this project
  • Configuration can be done using XML or annotations with Spring
  • The code is backward compatible and testable


Java object-relational mapping framework Hibernate provides a stable object-relational mapping framework. The Java programming language is better able to communicate with relational database management systems (RDBMS) when using this technology.

The Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch, also known as Paradigm Mismatch, arises when you work with object-oriented languages like Java. 

The main reason for this is that OO languages and RDBMSs handle data in different ways, which can cause severe mismatches. So, Hibernate provides you with a framework to avoid the mismatches that occur in Java.


  • Persistent classes can be developed using this tool following object-oriented paradigms
  • With it, you can write code that communicates with any database by making very small edits to the code, meaning objects can communicate with relational databases
  • Java entities can be used to perform database operations using this advanced ORM framework


  • Portable, productive, and maintainable
  • Frameworks that are free and open source
  • This reduces the amount of repetitive code in the JDBC API


The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) maintains this framework, which is another enterprise-level framework. Typically, Java web applications are created with this framework, which offers a full-featured yet easy-to-maintain java application. The framework comes in two versions. The Struts 1 version and the Struts 2 version. Stratus 2 is an OpenSymphony and Struts 1 webwork framework. However, every company prefers to use Struts 2 since it is an upgraded version of Apache Struts.


  • An MVC-based web application is developed using the Struts 2 framework
  • In order to help developers adopt MVC architecture, it uses and extends the Java Servlet API


  • The documentation of this framework assumes that you already have a good understanding of how Java web applications are developed
  • Enhances the application’s manageability and reduces the development time
  • Many Struts values exist as XML or property files, and not in java programs. Therefore, it offers Centralized Configuration.
  • To accomplish tasks not built on the platform, Struts can be integrated with other Java frameworks

Google web toolkit (GWT)

The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open-source, free, cross-platform framework that allows developers to create client-side Java code that is then rendered in JavaScript. Many Google products like AdSense, Google Wallet, Blogger, and more are written in GWT, even though they are not directly part of Google.

The GWT framework lets developers develop complex browser applications rapidly. As well as developing and debugging Ajax applications, you can do this through Java as well. Because you don’t have to learn JavaScript optimization or responsive design to write sophisticated browser-based applications with GWT, you can create complex web applications in a jiffy.


  • Development-friendly
  • Google APIs are used
  • Helps develop and maintain complex front-end JavaScript applications


  • Several common tasks related to web development can be reused with it
  • Applications developed with GWT can make use of Google APIs
  • UI abstraction, bookmarking, and history management, along with cross-browser portability

JavaServer Faces (JSF)

JSF (JavaServer Faces) is a Java-based web application framework developed by Oracle for building user interfaces. The Java Community Process (JCP) initiative has approved this standard as an official one. The framework is quite stable. 

This is a component-based framework for user interfaces. In JSF, application logic and representation are both totally distinct from each other. It is based on the MVC software design pattern.


  • A component-based framework for user interfaces
  • Contributes to the development of native applications


  • JSF is an integral component of Java EE
  • It offers excellent tools and rich libraries
  • A web interface can be added to existing Java code without requiring it to be re-written or introducing a whole new framework.


Groovy JVM, coined by Gravel, is a dynamic framework. Java Object Oriented Language (OOP) is an object-oriented language that helps developers to be more productive. JVM (Java Virtual Machine) bytecode is compiled into the syntax of Java. The Ruby on Rails Framework works with Java technologies such as Java EE containers, Spring, SiteMesh, Quartz, and Hibernate.


  • Documentation is super detailed and easy to read, so it is developer-friendly
  • It is also possible to build plugins and include platform-specific support for Grails IDE.
  • Grails is used by most e-commerce sites


  • Grails utilizes Groovy as its standard coding language, and since Groovy is similar to Java, it is easier for programmers to learn.
  • Object mapping is easy to use
  • By modularizing the code in the form of plugins, it promotes reuse of code between different Grails applications
  • Profiles with flexibility


Vaadin is a framework for web applications that focuses on accessibility and UX. Java developers will benefit from the streamlined development process. Web developers will benefit from the customizable components of Vaadin.

Vaadin 10 takes an entirely new approach to web app development. Through its Java Virtual Machine, you can directly access the DOM. Previously monolithic frameworks have been split into two parts in the new release. Vaadin Flow handles server-client communication, routing, and provides a lightweight Java framework. 


  • Communication between a browser and a server is automated by this framework
  • Developing web applications becomes easier with it


  • Vaadin provides both MVC and MVP binding options for data
  • A single-page Java application can be easily created with drag-and-drop and other features
  • Communication between the server and the client in an automatic manner using WebSockets
  • Java or HTML can be used to build views
  • Data binding
  • Support for nested routes and parameters in the router
  • Provides support for JVM languages such as Kotlin and Scala
  • Built-in support for Spring


Java framework that provides a full-stack web framework that is simple, lightweight and high-performance. In addition to providing a restful routing interface, Blade is a lightweight MVC Framework that simplifies creating a web API, allowing data to be synchronized with a website, and allowing data to be cleaned up.

Blade is built on Java 8, and the template engine and web server are included in the framework. The source code is less than 500kb in total, so it has a minimal impression. 


  • Because of its self-contained nature, it is very fast, elegant, intuitive, and self-contained
  • Created a small MVC application


  • Web jar resources and plug-in extensions are supported by Blade
  • Multiple files can be configured
  • It is also capable of defending against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) and XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)

We at Profound Edutech can help you learn Java frameworks if you are interested.