Tips and tricks for optimizing PHP code

Creating efficient and optimized code is an important part of any web development project, and PHP is no exception. As one of the most popular web programming languages, it is important to understand the different tips and tricks for optimizing PHP code. This blog post will cover a range of topics related to improving the performance, readability, and reliability of code written in PHP. IT Training Institute in College Road will help you with topics such as best practices for writing and organizing code, debugging and testing strategies, and tools and libraries that can help significantly improve the efficiency and robustness of your code. By the end of this blog post, you should have a comprehensive understanding of how to optimize your PHP code for maximum performance and reliability.

Break up long functions into smaller ones

Function size is one of the most important factors to consider in optimizing your PHP code. When functions become too long and complex, they become hard to follow and can cause performance issues as well. To address this, one of the best practices to follow is to break up long functions into smaller, more manageable ones. Doing this will help you make sure that your code is well-structured, performant, and easier to read and modify. This will also help you avoid redundant code and bugs that can arise from excessively long functions.

optimizing PHP code

Use descriptive and meaningful variable names

When coding in PHP, variable names should always be descriptive and meaningful. Using variable names that are too long or too short can make your code hard to read and understand, and can cause issues with your application. When assigning variables, try to make sure that the variable names accurately describe the value assigned to them. This makes it easier for other developers to understand the code, and helps to avoid confusion if the code is edited or rewritten later. Additionally, using proper variable names helps with debugging and quickly finding the source of problems.

Utilize memory efficiently

Utilizing memory efficiently is essential for optimizing PHP code. Allocating too much memory can cause your code to run slowly, so it’s important to be mindful of how much you are using. One way to ensure you are using memory efficiently is to use the memory_get_usage() function to check how much memory your code is using. You can also use the memory_get_peak_usage() function to check how much memory your code is using at its peak. Additionally, you can use the gc_collect_cycles() function to manually trigger the garbage collector to free up memory when you’re done with it. By utilizing memory efficiently, you can ensure that your code runs as quickly and efficiently as possible.

 Reduce the usage of unnecessary global variables

One of the most important tips and tricks for optimizing PHP code is to reduce the usage of unnecessary global variables. Global variables, while convenient, can slow down the performance of your code and can lead to unexpected results if the code is not properly structured. To reduce the usage of global variables, consider using alternative methods such as functions or classes to encapsulate code logic. In some cases, it may be necessary to use global variables for shared data across multiple pages, but care should be taken to limit their usage to only the most necessary cases.

Utilize the most recent PHP version

PHP is one of the most commonly used programming languages for website development, and its popularity shows no sign of waning anytime soon. That being said, an important tip for optimizing PHP code is to ensure that you are using the most recent version of the language. This is due to the fact that newer versions of PHP generally have improved performance, security and stability features that can result in significant improvements in code efficiency and reliability. Furthermore, many of the newest features are designed to improve the development process, such as improved debugging tools and better exception handling. As such, utilizing the most recent version of PHP is an essential step in optimizing PHP code.

Remove redundant code

Removing redundant code can be a great way to optimize and speed up your PHP code. Redundant code is any code that is repeated, unnecessary, or superfluous. Make sure to go through your code and identify any redundant code that does not contribute to the functionality of the script. Once identified, you can delete this code and reduce the number of lines of code, making your script more concise and efficient. Doing this can help speed up page loading times and improve the overall performance of your code.

Utilize code caching tools

Code caching tools are an essential part of any serious PHP developer’s toolkit. By utilizing these tools, you can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes for your code to execute, as well as make your code more efficient. Caching tools like APC and XCache allow you to store pieces of your code in memory, so that when your code is called again, the memory can be used instead of having to re-execute the code from scratch each time. This can result in dramatic speed increases and improved performance. Additionally, many code caching tools allow you to fine-tune your code to make it as efficient as possible.

Employ code refactoring techniques

Refactoring your code is an important part of optimizing PHP code. Refactoring is the process of restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior. It can help make code easier to read and understand, and can also improve performance and reduce complexity. To refactor your code effectively, identify and fix areas of code that are difficult to read, understand, or maintain. Additionally, focus on improving code readability and clarity, and simplify code logic where possible. Taking the time to refactor your code will pay off in the long run, as it can make your code easier to maintain and update.

In conclusion, following the tips and tricks outlined in this blog post can help you improve the speed and performance of your PHP code. Optimizing your code can help reduce server load, speed up page loading times, and make your code more efficient overall. By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your PHP code is optimized and running as smoothly as possible.

13 Technical Skills You Should Have As A Developer

To become a good programmer, you need some technical skills if you are studying computer science or pursuing a software engineer or developer course. The technological world is vast and there are a vast number of tools, platforms and languages being developed. A modern developer should know how to integrate the modern technologies and other technical stuff into their work to make a good product. No matter how experienced or beginner you are, you should have knowledge about how to integrate modern technologies.

If you want to be a good developer, or if you are planning to become one, you should have some essential technical skills. In Pune, Profound Edutech offers IT training and placement services. A 100% job guarantee is offered with our training courses in Software Testing, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning.

1. Data Structures and Algorithms: 

In most companies, the ability to solve problems and code is checked first in order to determine if the candidate is qualified. Being a good software developer requires knowing how to organize and use data to solve real-world problems. The study of data structures and algorithms (e.g. arrays, linked lists, trees) is recommended for developers, computer science students, and self-taught programmers. Algorithms and Data Structures are at the heart of programming. Many developers do not realize it at the beginning of their careers, but once you begin developing software, you will soon discover that your code is either taking too long or taking up too much space. Hence, you will develop a better understanding of how to organize data using algorithms and data structures to solve a particular problem. GeeksforGeeks, Hackerrank, Codechef, CareerCup, LeetCode, InterviewBit, HackerEarth, etc. are some of the websites where you can learn and practice this skill.

2. Programming Languages:

You must be able to program in at least one programming language in depth in order to become a good programmer. It depends on your area of interest and what programming language you enjoy solving problems in, as well as what you are comfortable with, when deciding which language to use. In 2019, according to the Stack Overflow survey, here are the most popular programming languages…

You can pick any programming language based on the above image, the demand in the market, and your area of interest. Choosing a programming language can be determined by consulting the list of the Top 10 Programming Languages of the World.

3. Source Control:

Developers can manage and store their code using source control. Most organizations today look for developers who are capable of collaborating with other team members and are proficient in version control. The best way to become a good software developer is to be comfortable with version control concepts, tools, and techniques like Git (preferred by 70-80% of organizations), Mercurial, SVN, etc. Learn about the Git and Github source control systems in this article

4. Text Editors:

There is no difference between beginners, intermediates, and experts in programming. It is from text editors that programmers begin their programming journey. It is an integral part of every programmer’s day-to-day life. Text editors are not just used by programmers, but also by non-programmers for their own purposes. Text editors such as Notepad++, Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, and Visual Code are among the many choices available. Programmers should spend some time in a text editor and learn some keyboard shortcuts to become smart and productive.

Technical Skills For Developer

5. IDEs (Integrated Development Environment):

A programming IDE facilitates the writing, editing, compiling, running and debugging of your code. There are different development environments for different purposes or languages that programmers choose when choosing the best development environment. The use of an IDE should be known by every programmer who writes, compiles, runs and debugs code. There are many IDEs available for developers, and using one speeds up their work. A program like Visual Studio or Code::Blocks is most recommended for C, C++, and C# programmers. Additionally, Python developers are making use of PyCharm, Spyder, or Jupyter notebooks. Developers should choose Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA when it comes to Java.

6. Databases:

A developer’s understanding of databases is an essential skill. All kinds of operations should be familiar to developers, such as storing records, creating, inserting, updating, and deleting. Databases are essential to the creation of all kinds of applications and software for any organization. The developer is also responsible for managing the entire organization’s records with proper backups when working on any serious business project. That’s why every organization expects a developer who is comfortable handling databases and managing the complete organization record. In the world of development, SQL is without a doubt the most popular classic database. The ability to write basic SQL queries is a prerequisite for becoming a good developer. Databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Redis are available.

7. Operating System:

In order to develop good software, you need to understand the fundamentals and mechanisms of the operating system. Developers face many issues related to operating systems when working on a project, such as memory usage, communicating with another machine, running a program very slowly, conflicting tools, blocking issues, etc. During production, when developers write code on one machine and it does not work on another, this can lead to serious issues. To work with an operating system effectively, you should have knowledge of its processes and mechanisms. Linux, Windows, or Mac is the preferred operating system for most programmers. Mobile and tablet operating systems such as Android and iOS are the best examples.

8. Networking Basics:

It is most common for developers to use client-server models to create their applications in which a request is sent over the network to a client that can access the application from anywhere in the world. In order to develop and support an application, developers need a basic understanding of networking. It is possible for HTTP requests to be impacted over the network if the architecture is not designed properly. The client-server architecture works by a user or client POSTing a request via the internet, which is received by the server and processed by the server. The client then receives the response. A client-server architecture is used in most modern applications, whether they are web-based, online games, business automation, or cloud computing. As a result, it cannot be denied that networking fundamentals and basics are also essential skills for developers before they enter the programming world.

9. Basics of Testing:

Software or applications must pass so many tests before they can be released to the market. It is important to test software before handing it over to the customer so we can find out if there are any bugs. Developers need to know three important software testing methods out of the many available. As a first step, you can do Unit Testing for each and every module or class separately. Embunit for C or C++, JUnit for Java, NUnit for C# are some of the unit testing frameworks available. An integration test is another testing method where different blocks or modules are tested to see how they interact with one another. In this way, errors in data processing can be excluded. Lastly, the system test involves testing the integrated software as a whole. Using this technique, no internal code knowledge is required because it is a black box testing method.

10. Cross-Platform Software:

When designing or developing a product, multiple platforms, such as Windows, Mac, Linux, are expected to be supported. By writing code once, you can be reused across different platforms in a simple language. In today’s world, most users prefer to use mobile devices or smartphones to access products and services, so it is crucial for developers to make products that can be used by a wide range of systems. Once a software application is adapted to a wide range of devices, the number of customers can be increased. To make the most of your career opportunities and growth in software development, no matter what level of experience you have in programming, you should know how to work with cross-platform software.

11. Encryption and Cryptography:

In order to prevent all kinds of attacks, a developer should implement a secure and encrypted key when making a web application or software that uses sensitive information of a user. When it comes to making a product or software, every organization is concerned about the security of users’ sensitive information and the prevention of hacking. Cryptography algorithms, authentication methods, and encryption algorithms are all expected of developers. In general, two methods are used to encrypt data. A private key and a public key are both involved. A public key encryption algorithm such as RSA or ECDSA is used to establish a key, and the choice depends on the developer in terms of network security. As a result of cryptography, developers can create secure systems, databases, and transmit secure output over networks. Also, it allows third party libraries to be used without worrying about security issues due to its secure error handling.

12. SDLC (Software development life cycle):

A Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) ensures the quality and correctness of a software by following a systematic process step by step. Software developers should have a thorough knowledge of the software life cycle, from requirements analysis to product maintenance. SDLC consists of seven phases.

  1. Analyzing and gathering requirements
  2. Study of feasibility
  3. Study of feasibility
  4. Developing the code and implementing it
  5. Performing tests
  6. The deployment process
  7. Inspecting and maintaining

Every phase of software or application development is important when you enter programming. In order to make a good product, a developer must use his brain at every stage of SDLC. Furthermore, it allows the developer to take precautions at an early stage before dealing with any issue at a later stage.

13. Microsoft Excel:

Although developers do not use Excel for coding or implementing software, it is an essential skill for them because it can be used to track progress, analyze data, check data quality, maintain data, and plan projects. Excel is a powerful tool that should not be underestimated. The developer can use it for more than spreadsheet functions, including searching, sorting, filtering, and performing any mathematical operation. It helps make their work easier and faster. In addition to inserting bulk data into databases, Microsoft Excel is also widely used. Regardless of whether you are a junior developer or a manager, this tool is an integral part of any project. Taking the time to learn Excel’s basics is a good idea.